
define about the carbohydrates - nutritional

Define about the Carbohydrates - nutritional biochemistry?

Carbohydrates, you should observe by now, are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen only with hydrogen and oxygen atoms in the 2:1 ratio. You would as well have realized that the family name ending -ose points out a carbohydrate, for example glucose, fructose, sucrose etc. Having learned the theory, now in this practical we will learn how to identify the carbohydrates and what are the tests and the principles behind the tests.


After going through this practical and the experiments given herewith,  you will be able to:

  • Define the term qualitative tests for chemical compounds,
  • Describe the basis of qualitative tests for monosaccharides, disaccharides and polysaccharides,
  • Recognize and use the various qualitative tests to distinguish specific sugars from each other, and
  • Quantitatively estimate glucose in a solution or in body fluid such as blood.


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Biology: define about the carbohydrates - nutritional
Reference No:- TGS0306026

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