
Define a set of principles for curriculum development


Discussion UDL & Differentiation

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) can be defined as "a set of principles for curriculum development that gives all individuals equal opportunities to learn" (CAST, n.d.).

Differentiation can be defined as meeting students at their current level of readiness and then planning instruction around individual needs. When combining these two theories, classroom instruction becomes engaging, dynamic, and inclusive.

Using one of the following free online presentation tools listed below, create an interactive presentation that: Please use power point presentation for this work.

a) Compares and contrasts the two concepts

b) Explains how you envision blending the concepts in your current or future classroom.

In your presentation be sure to include:

• How you will present new information

• How students will demonstrate their prior background knowledge

• Your strategies to engage and motivate students

• At least two scholarly resources from Ashford's Online Library or Google scholar relating to the theoretical foundation of UDL and/or differentiation.

• All in-text citations included must be cited in APA format at the conclusion of your post.

I will learn how to perform the task listed below by using the online presentations tools below. I am not sure if you can perform this task for me.

Post your link along with a brief introduction in your initial post.

Free Online Presentation Tools

• Pearltrees

• Prezi

• VoiceThread

Guided Response: Review at least two of your peers' presentations and address the following questions:

• Do you think that each concept has been fully explained? Why or why not? Using the information provide, do you feel children will be engaged and motivated in this classroom?

• What additional suggestions that are supported by your textbook or research-based articles to improve each concept's explanation and to keep students engaged in learning?

Online Tutorials:

• Creating a VoiceThread

• How to create a Voki

• Get started with Prezi.

• Getting started with Pearltrees


You will:

1. Analyze how Universal Design of Learning is used in the differentiated classroom.

2. Explain how critical thinking is an integral part of differentiated instruction.

3. Construct differentiated learning activities that integrate technology into content-based instruction.

Discussion Board

As you've learned, Differentiated Instruction (DI) is founded on the belief that students come to school with varying experiences, levels of readiness, learning preferences, and academic abilities that need to be accommodated through a multifaceted approach to curriculum delivery. On the other hand, Universal Design for Learning (UDL) was originally an architectural movement that declared that physical structures should accommodate all individuals, with and without disabilities. Examples include a curb cutout for wheelchairs that also accommodates strollers, and closed captioning that benefits people with hearing impairments but also benefits emerging readers and visual learners (National Center, 2012). Since its inception, "Universal Design" has morphed into "Universal Design for Learning" with the initial concept of ‘equal access' being transformed from physical structures to curriculum materials and learning tools such as digital media, universal closed captioning, and SMARTboard technology.

Although these two approaches have been established with divergent intentions, they are now used in combination to provide interactive and engaging lessons. For this week's activity, you will create an interactive presentation that compares differentiation and UDL and blends the concepts in your current or future classroom. The following short video (Eadens, 2013), provides a quick glimpse of some ideas that may be helpful.


Critical thinking is the intellectually disciplined process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and/or evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication, as a guide to belief and action (The Critical Thinking Community, 2013).

So what does this mean to you, as an educator, when designing differentiated lessons? Think about the theory of differentiation and its foundation in providing meaningful instruction that is relevant and significant to the real-world application of critical thinking. There are many, many definitions of critical thinking out there. Please watch the following video (The Community for Critical Thinking, 2008) for a succinct definition with connection to education.


Eadens, D. (2013, September 3). DI UDL

National Center on Universal Design for Learning (2012). The concept of udl

The Critical Thinking Community. (2013). Defining critical thinking

The Critical Thinking Community. (2008, April 15). On critical thinking and education

Required Resources

Required Text

Puckett, K (2013). Differentiating Instruction: A Practical Guide [Electronic version].

  • Instructional Strategies Supporting Differentiated Instructional Practices
  • Planning for Differentiation


Hall, T., Strangman, N., & Meyer, A. (2011, January 14). Differentiated instruction and implications for udl implementationPreview the document.


Edutopia. (2010, May 5). Differentiation Instruction Ignites Elementary Learning.

Waterman, T. (n.d.). Differentiation and technology.


  • Pearltrees
  • Prezi
  • VoiceThread

Recommended Resources


  • CAST. (n.d.). About universal design learning
  • Everything DI. (n.d.). Tech connections.
  • Lamb, A. (2003, June). Ten tips for differentiation
  • Matthews, R. (n.d.). Digital tools - live binder.
  • Smith, T. (2012, July 2). Writing measurable learning objectives
  • The Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2011). P21 common core toolkit
  • Walsh, K. (2012, September 12). 10 emerging education and instructional technologies that all educators should know about.


Common Core State Standards

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