Build a back up of project we made before.
For this project, we need to define a new class BankDatabase. The BankDatabase contains the bank account information for all accounts including saving accounts and checking accounts. The customer names are passed as "firstname lastname". Your application must split the string into two separate strings for first name and last name (Hint: use the split() method). If you decide to use an array to store the bank accounts, you can assume there will be maximum of 100 bank accounts in the Bank Database. Alternatively, you can consider using an ArrayList in which case its size can grow automatically as new bank accounts are added. BankDatabase class implements the following methods:
BankDatabase() - constructor
void creatCheckingAccount(String customerName, String ssn, float deposit) - This method creates a checking account
void creatSavingAccount(String customerName, String ssn, float deposit) - This method creates a saving account
void print() -This method prints the bank account information in the database in ascending order of the account balances.
void applyIntrest - This methods applies interest to all bank accounts. The interest for each type of account is the same as project 5.
Make the following updates to the BankAccount super class:
1) Make the BankAccount super class an abstract class and make applyInterest an abstract method.
2) The BankAccount super class shall implement the Comparable Interface. You shall implement the compareTo method to provide the means to sort the bank accounts in the ascending order of the account balance.
Identify the objects for this application and define each class attribute with proper access qualifier. You can use the "main" method shown below to test your application. The expected output is also provided.
public class BankApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
BankDatabase acctDatabase = new BankDatabase();
acctDatabase.createCheckingAccount("Alin Parker", "123-45-6789", 20000.0f);
acctDatabase.createSavingAccount("Mary Jones", "987-65-4321", 15000.0f);
acctDatabase.createSavingAccount("John Smith", "123-45-6789", 12000.0f);
======= expected output =============
Succesfully created account for Alin Parker Account Number 5435736518
Succesfully created account for Mary Jones Account Number 3612979581
Succesfully created account for John Smith Account Number 6998050883
John Smith, accn #: 6998050883, Balance $12000.0
Mary Jones, accn #: 3612979581, Balance $15000.0
Alin Parker, accn #: 5435736518, Balance $20000.0
John Smith, accn #: 6998050883, Balance $12600.0
Mary Jones, accn #: 3612979581, Balance $15750.0
Alin Parker, accn #: 5435736518, Balance $20200.0