
define a b-treejustas avl trees are balanced

Define a B-Tree

Justas AVL trees are balanced binary search trees, B-trees are balanced M-way search trees. A B-Tree of order M is either the empty tree or it is an M-way search tree T with the following properties: 

1.  Every non-leaf node has a maximum of M children and minimum of M/2 keys.

2.  Every node has one fewer key than the number of children with a maximum of M-1 keys.

3.  Keys are arranged in a described order within the node. All keys in the subtree to the left of a key are predecessor of the key and that on the right are successors of the key.

4.  All leaves are on the similar level.


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Computer Engineering: define a b-treejustas avl trees are balanced
Reference No:- TGS0282512

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