
define 3-d lathe tool dynamometerit is possible

Define 3-D lathe Tool Dynamometer

It is possible to measure three dimensional cutting tool component with the help of 3-D lathe tool dynamometer. In spite of that we are gone for analysis of the two dimensional cutting (orthogonal cutting), to analyze the force as per merchant circle. When a side cutting edge angle of tool is 90° the cutting is orthogonal on a lathe, the process of metal cutting is approximately two-dimensional. The force acting on the tool can be resolved into two components Ft (cutting force) and Ft is responsible for the energy consumption, since it is also the direction of motion. The power consumed in machining to cut unit volume per unit time is called specific power.

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Mechanical Engineering: define 3-d lathe tool dynamometerit is possible
Reference No:- TGS0290753

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