• Read the article : The Gender Gap in Feedback and Self-Perception by Margarita Mayo
• Watch this short TED video: Beware online "filter bubbles" By Eli Pariser | TED 2011
• Define & provide an example of self-enhancement, self-effacement, and false consensus error bias.
• Discuss your reaction to the Harvard Business Review article.
o What are the main take-aways/findings?
o Do you find the findings surprising, why or why not?
• Discuss your reaction to the TED TALK video.
o What are the main take-aways of the video?
o In what ways, do you think this video may impact organizations (i.e., why do you think I assigned it to you to watch)?
• In what ways would you apply this knowledge to your own work lives (either current occupation or future occupation)?
• 3-4 pages (750-900 words).
• Double spaced, times New Roman font, 1-inch margins.
*Please make sure answer each question and make it clear and simple.