Deficiency of iodine
Inadequate iodine also leads to dry skin, loss of hair, exhaustion and sluggish reflexes. For the developing fetus, infant and young children, iodine deficiency can prove to be very grave like underdeveloped growth, weakened intelligence and retardation. (Hamrick et al., 2008)
1) Turmeric
In nutritional studies it has been found that curcumin is an incredible polyphenolic compound which helps keep a good immune system by various means. Turmeric contains curcumin Since curcumin is very lowly available in the body, the body needs to be supplied with curcumin from exterior sources only. Turmeric forms an excellent source of curcumin. When it is consumed orally, as curcumin reaches the pancreas for providing the health benefits, it actually vanishes. Therefore a dietary supplement containing turmeric shall prove to be the best method to ensure there is constant supply of curcumin to the body. (Seo et al., 2011)
2) Garlic
Garlic is a very useful herb since it is antibiotic, anti-viral as well as anti-fungal in nature, and it also enhances the immune system. Studies have also claimed that a few types of cancer get reduced on taking large amounts of garlic, while garlic also reduces the amount of LDL in the body. Hence garlic has been chosen as the other important ingredient for the supplement. (Koch et al, 1996)
3) Echinacea
Echinacea is capable of enhancing the immunity, it is also a pain reliever, it reduces inflammation, and it is also antiviral and antioxidant in nature. Echinacea medicinally is very useful particularly if consumed during cough and cold. Thus, as an all-inclusive herb, this has been chosen as one of the ingredients for the supplement. (Hart et al, 2009)