
Defense support of civil authorities


TOPIC: Operations

NARROWED TOPIC: Defense Support of Civil Authorities

1. THESIS: Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) is the process in which the Military property and personnel can be utilized to help support missions normally executed by civilian government such as natural disasters. The planning is worked by DOD, National Guard and civilian planners to create the plans for DSCA. The phases must follow the concept of operations presented within FEMA's guidelines. The Joint Force Commander will evaluate the planning and supply dependable feedback to the development and accomplishment regarding the operation.

TITLE: Defense Support of Civil Authorities

2. INTRODUCTION: Defense Support of Civil Authorities (DSCA) is the process in which the Military property and personnel can be utilized to help support missions normally executed by civilian government such as natural disasters. The planning is worked by Department of Defense, National Guard and civilian planners to create the plans for DSCA. The phases must follow the concept of operations presented within FEMA's guidelines. The Joint Force Commander will evaluate the planning and supply dependable feedback to the development and accomplishment regarding the operation.

3. Planning Considerations for Defense Support of Civil Authorities

a. Mission-essential functions.

b. Preventive measures.

c. Types of facilities that can support DSCA.

4. Phases of Defense Support of Civil Authorities

a. Pre-Incident phase.

b. Response phase.

c. Recovery and Transition phase.

5. Assessing Defense Support of Civil Authorities

a. Purpose of assessment.

b. Immediate Response.

c. DSCA Response.

6. Level One Heading (Conclusion)


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History: Defense support of civil authorities
Reference No:- TGS02987120

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