Defendants filed a motion based upon the doctrine of forum

Problem: P was injured in a foreign country when the motorscooter P rented overheated. P returned home to State X and sued the motorscooter manufacturer and the manufacturer of the part that caused the motorscooter to overheat in federal court in State X. P sought $95,000 in damages. Both defendants do business in the United States and sell the same motorscooter and part in State X. They are both incorporated and have their principal place of business in State Y. The defendants filed a motion based upon the doctrine of forum non conveniens. The court should Question options: a) Transfer the case to a court in the foreign country where P was injured. b) Dismiss the case because the foreign country is a more convenient forum. c) Deny the motion because venue is proper in the State X federal court. d) Deny the motion because the law in the foreign country may be different.

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Other Subject: Defendants filed a motion based upon the doctrine of forum
Reference No:- TGS03416808

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