
Defamation of character negligence


The tort actions in the SureCo, Incorporated are as follows: defamation of character, negligence, false misrepresentation of working relationship, false advertisements to mislead potential clients, misusing the company with wrongful motives and intentions, and intentional wrongs. The potential plaintiffs in this case are Franco, Raul, and the Sure Co company clientele. The potential defendants are as follows: SureCo. company for a lawsuit filed by its clients as a result of plaintiff Franco false misrepresentation of working relationship, false advertisements to mislead potential clients, misusing the company with wrongful motives and intentions. The manager is a potential defendant for defamation of character, negligence intentional wrongs.

The bases for the plaintiffs' tort action include the following components such as:

Defamation of character (Slanderous or Libel) Negligence is a result of an individual not exercising due diligence in care over property or person. For example, a store owner has a spill on the floor and allows customers to slip and fall without placing wet floor signs over the spill.

Intentional Wrongs-purposefully inflicting harm, injuring or assaulting others, vandalizing personal property

The defendants SureCo and its manager must prove that the impugned statement carry a "Defamation Imputation" (Woods, 2005). Defamation is intended to discredit the reputation of the plaintiff; the defendant is obligated to prove that the claim is not defamatory.

The impugned statement must refer to the plaintiff (Woods, 2005)

The impugned statement must have been publicized to a third party other than the plaintiff. (Woods, 2005). The defamation occurred as a result of advertisement and misrepresenting the purpose of the client's relationship. In this case the defamation has been publicized to parties other than the defendant and the plaintiff.

Raul decides to get back at the agency, and marches up and down the street in front of the agency with a big sign that says, "SureCo cheats its customers!" The boss cannot let this continue, so she takes a staple gun, goes outside, and fires it in Raul's direction, hoping to scare him away. Unfortunately, she misses and hits Raul in the eye, causing permanent blindness in that eye.

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Other Management: Defamation of character negligence
Reference No:- TGS01998902

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