Question: 1. Decrypt the message ctzt dhp gkt qvym pediyk dhp jvohibs, which was encrypted using the standard Vigen`ere cipher with key word kale.
2. Find a Hamilton path on the Petersen graph, shown in Figure.
3. Let A = {-2,-1,0,1,2} and let B = {q,r,s,t}. (a) How many functions f: A → B can be defined? Explain.
(b) How many one-to-one functions f: A → B can be defined? Explain.
(c) Suppose that f(0) = r, f(1) = q, f(2) = t. How many functions f: A → B satisfy these conditions?
(d) Suppose again that f(0) = r, f(1) = q, f(2) = t. How many onto functions f: A → B satisfy these conditions?