
Decisions of multinational corporations coca-cola and nestle


This case analysis is designed to encourage you to analyze the distribution strategies of two multinational firms selling related products in Africa, with a focus on cultural issues related to those strategies.

Case Assignment:

Compare and contrast the distribution decisions of multinational corporations Coca-Cola and Nestlé in Africa. In particular conduct research and identify significant cultural issues which would be relevant to the development of those strategies.

Stanford D, (2010, November). Africa: Coke's Last Frontier.

Stanford D, (2010) Coca-Cola's Last Unquenched Market.

Burros M and Warner M, (2006) Bottlers Agree to a School Ban on Sweet Drinks, New York Times, May 4.

Rasooldeen M, (2010) Soft drinks to be banned in hospitals. ARAB NEWS Jun 29.

Anon, (n.d.) Nestle invests in manufacturing, distribution in Africa.

Maritz J, (2010). Nestlé to boost operations in Africa. July 5.

Wilson S (2008). Coca Cola distribution chain can save lives in Africa.

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Other Management: Decisions of multinational corporations coca-cola and nestle
Reference No:- TGS01991529

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