
Decision science is a combined effort of decision making

Decision Science is a combined effort of decision making, data use, assessments measures, and focus on the needs of the company. As Perdue (2015) notes "making more money is not an automatic sign of success," therefore using the building blocks to obtain the growth potential is what an organization needs to focus on. The goal should be encouraging a value system, and identifying the "what to measure and how to measure it" (Losey, Meisinger and Ulrich, 2005), then moving forward to a logical means of how to combine the metrics captured and learn a strong performance method.

I agree with Perdue (2015) that her seven ideas can build or change the decision science: an absence of bias, people, principles and profits are valued equally, learning and development is participative, chaos and disruptions are stressful, power is practiced, leadership, and communication needs to be used in many avenues.

Research in decision science needs "high.and low involvement" (Losey et al, 2005) measures. I finally understand this concept where my last employer used this method after reading and re-reading chapter 33. The cost margins, and development of both the high and low personnel show proof of how the company values the level of employee, as one is treated better than the other. Knowing the low involvement employees are at a high turnaround factor shows proof the company has no value system for these employees. Yet I do not understand why the company continues to impress the government they can perform the duties with top priority and encourage a strong value system and culture for employees.

All the factors Perdue discusses in her article are very important factors to figure out why these ideas need attention, for example, the biases and stereotyping of employees. This continued problem deflates the growth potential and causes issues that the HR department needs to take a serious look at. Problems with principles and revenue is leadership and the focus they apply to money making, instead of building the organization to a level of continued performance. The learning and progress of an employee only adds value to the growth of the company. When a company does not communicate to its employees the strategic goals and assist them every possible method of growth, the company is not using the science of decision making in the HR realm.

Losey, M., Meisinger, S., & Ulrich, D. (2005). The future of human resource management: 64 thought explore the critical HR issues of today and tomorrow. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley and Sons

Perdue, J. (2015). Leaders in 2025 repair the world. Retrieved from: https://www.greatplacetowork.com/blog-carnival-entries/2052-leaders-in-2025-repair-the-world#sthash.WtU1Swaz.dpbs

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HR Management: Decision science is a combined effort of decision making
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