
decision making under uncertaintyvarious methods

Decision making under uncertainty

Various methods are used to make decision in circumstances whereas only the pay offs are identified and the likelihood of every state of nature are identified

a)      Maximin Method

This criterion is based upon the "conservative approach' to suppose that the worst possible is going to occur. The decision maker considers every strategy and locates the minimum pay off for each and then selects that alternative that maximizes the minimum payoff


Rank the products A, B and C applying the Maximin rule b using the given payoff table showing potential losses and profits which are expected to arise from launching these three products in three market situation

Pay off table in £ 000's


Boom condition

Steady state


Mini profits row minima

Product A





Product B





Product C






In above table

Ranking the MAXIMIN rule = BAC


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Mathematics: decision making under uncertaintyvarious methods
Reference No:- TGS0205283

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