
Decision-making methodology project approach

Problem 1. Problem Identification Reflection Paper

a. Prepare a 1,050-1,400-word paper that identifies at least three different problems in your organization that require interventions. Include your rationale for each and use at least two peer-reviewed sources to support your assessment.

b. Then, evaluate your personal skills and competencies against those required for a successful consultant. Use at least two peer-reviewed sources to support your analysis. Discuss your skills, expertise, and limitations, with particular emphasis on those areas where you need to develop additional skills and expertise.

c. Based on your analysis of your skills, expertise, and limitations select one of these problems to solve over the remainder of the course. Discuss why you have chosen this problem.

Problem 2. Decision-Making Methodology Project Approach Paper

Prepare an action plan to include key tasks (what you will do and how you will do it) and due dates in support of the problem identified Above. Be sure to include key resources such as people, data, reports, and articles, among others to be used.

The key word is Approach. The assignment is asking you to identify how you will approach doing the assignment. The term action plan means what steps you will take to complete the assignment.

When preparing the assignment, for each part of the Decision-Making Methodology Project you will need to discuss the following:

a. Decision-making methodologies that might be appropriate to employ in seeking solutions to these problems
b. Types of information and data you plan to review when exploring alternatives
c. Types of analysis you might perform on the data used to evaluate alternatives
d. Deadline dates
e. Any challenges that you perceive in solving the problem

While there is no minimum length for this assignment, a one- or two-paragraph response will most likely not provide the reader with sufficient detail to demonstrate that you have (a) thought in depth about the assignment and (b) have in place a work plan that will allow you to begin work on the project starting in Week Two and that will ultimately allow you to succeed.

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Other Management: Decision-making methodology project approach
Reference No:- TGS01986656

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