
Decision making-judgment problem

I want assistance in forming a mangeria decision making analysis. The details of the scenario are below. The textbook used in this course is: Judegement in Managerial Decision Making, 6th Edition, Max H. Bazerman.

The comments from the instructor are:

I just finished re-reading through the recommendations from the 9/11 Commission (chapter 12) and was struck by the recommendations regarding travel. There are recommendations for border crossing and for air travel, but unless I am missing it, there is no mention at all of travel by train other than to say "Surface transportation systems such as railroads and mass transit remain hard to protect because they are so accessible and extensive" (page 391).

So, because it is difficult to do, it appears that nothing is being done. My data collection is pretty primitive-just my own observations, but I have traveled on Amtrak between Albany and New York City multiple times since 9/11 and the only "change" I have seen so far is that there are now several soldiers who stand next to the police desk in Penn Station. Do you recall that there have been concerns about holidays such as the 4th of July and New Year's Eve where there are many people pouring into NYC? I have taken the train to visit friends in Manhattan for July 4th, missed the train I had a ticket for, and still no one asked to see identification! Why? I think it has less to do with my not looking like much of a threat and more to do with the enormity of the task of securing rail travel.

The basis of the assignment:

You are concerned that surface transportation systems remain unprotected and have decided to write your senator. Your major concern is rail travel. For your letter, you can assume that time and money are not restraining factors.

In your letter to your senator, you want to:

1. Explain why there is a decision making/judgment problem (using Bazerman and Goodwin & Wright to support your views as appropriate)

2. Suggest a viable way that scenario planning can be used to help solve the problem

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Other Management: Decision making-judgment problem
Reference No:- TGS01767116

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