
Decision making in organisations

Complete the assignment:

Task:This assignment is designed to enable you to apply what you have learned in this course.

Work place Report Topics:

• Decision making in organisations

• Group dynamics in the workplace

Within your analysis you should discuss how you wouldexpectthe organisation to be managed based on the relevant theory or textbook suggestions. You should then analyse how it isactuallymanaged, and note the differences from your theoretical expectations. In doing so, you should seek answers to questions such as:

• How does the organisation conform to the theory on the two areas identified above?

• Are there differences between theory and practice?

• If your answer is ‘yes' to the preceding questions, what are the reasons for these differences?

• Writerelevant specificrecommendations foryour organisation; for example, suggestions for change, and/or further development, for each of the above two concepts.

Your choice of the organisation for this assignment is very broad. It may, for example, be:

• the organisation in which you work (the whole organisation)

• a department, unit or section of the organisation in which you work (if the organisation is large)

• a club or society with which you are associated (for example, sports club, social club, theatre group etc)

• an organisation about which you can obtain enough information to analyse its management structure and process (you need not necessarily work in this organisation).

You must discuss the organisation with your course co-ordinator if you are in doubt.

You must identify your connection with the chosen organisation, for example, employee, employer, etc.

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Other Management: Decision making in organisations
Reference No:- TGS01775253

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