
decision-making criteria for proposal to expand

Decision-making criteria for proposal to expand solar division of Samsung to the US


Refer to assignment 2 for decision-making assignment: In a APA styled and formatted paper, Create a formal set of decision-making criteria to analyze which business opportunity should be included in your recommendations, business plan and financial analyses.


This assignment has the following mission statement:

We are a proposing to expand the solar division of Samsung Corporation into the U.S. market by 2014. We will begin our expansion with the introduction of the micro inverter as the first product in the U.S. solar market.

Please develop this portion of the business plan around this mission for our company.

1). Competition (Competitors in USA)

2). Financial projections (profits and losses. P&L, Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, Capital Budget)
- Break-even analyses
- Risk/reward
- Exit strategies

3). Management, organizational requirements

4). Challenges and risks

5). Recommendations

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Business Management: decision-making criteria for proposal to expand
Reference No:- TGS0472023

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