
Decision-making authority in the negotiation process


You selected an organization to develop your Key Assignment around. You assessed the organizational structure and took a personality assessment. You analyzed your own strengths and weaknesses as an effective project leader and developed an action plan for the weaknesses.You performed an impact analysis of implementing your project and developed strategies for involving the stakeholders in its implementation. You created the motivation campaign and a detailed communication and approval plan.

Even with the best motivational campaigns and a well-developed and executed communications management plan, conflict among team members and project stakeholders in general can arise. You have one more tool and technique available to help you resolve conflicts because a given conflict can impact your project outcomes in a positive manner. This tool is negotiating. In the final week, you are revising the Key Assignment draft document based on feedback from your instructor and peer. Under the last section, not yet filled in, you will be developing a very detailed Negotiation Strategy and Plan for unforeseen conflicts that were not resolved during the initial Stakeholder Analysis.

The overall project deliverables are as below:

Update previously completed sections based on the instructor's feedback

Complete New Content below and copy it under the section in Key Assignment Document called "Negotiation Strategy and Plan"

New Content

Negotiation Strategy & Plan

Identify at least 5 potential situations or risk areas where negotiation may be required such as conflict resolution

Identify some of the negotiation techniques and strategies that could prove to be useful for each of these risk areas. Explain why

Identify the steps including preparation for and closure at the end of the negotiation process

Identify who will have the final decision-making authority in the negotiation session

Describe the negotiation process flow (you may use a narrative description or a diagram with explanation)

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Other Management: Decision-making authority in the negotiation process
Reference No:- TGS01850891

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