
Decide which word to know best completes sentence

Response to the following: Words to Know

arbitrate disproportionate iniquity subservient

ascertain fanatic predilection

Section A. Decide which Word to Know best completes each sentence below. Write the word on the blank line. Some words may be used more than once.

An atmosphere of fear can exist when a _____________ ruthlessly pursues his or her goal.

Mistreating those who are helpless is a special kind of _____________ .

People who feel that they have no power sometimes assume a _____________ attitude.

Victims who have suffered serious financial losses may have to spend a _____________ amount of money to resolve their situation.

Outside observers who do not know if attacks are valid may find the truth hard to _____________.

Some people take their cases to court, where a judge will _____________ and try to determine the truth.

Generally, people respect justice and have a strong _____________ for following the law.

Respect for the law sometimes deters even someone who is overzealous, such as a _____________.

Section B. Find the Word to Know that best matches each clue below. Write the word in the blank.

inclined that way _____________________

the need to know _____________________

witch hunt person _____________________

more than it should be _____________________

settling an argument _____________________

worthy of punishment or shame _____________________

working hard without power or authority _____________________

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English: Decide which word to know best completes sentence
Reference No:- TGS02011646

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