Decide whether you will write letter of praise or criticise

Assignment task:

For this assignment, please write a formal letter to a service organization about a recent experience you had with them, either good or bad. You'll use specific examples to explain what you liked or didn't like. You'll also show you understand important ideas from Chapter 6 about service quality. Whether you're praising or criticizing, you'll suggest ways the company can make their service even better.

Select a service you have recently experienced (within the past few months). It could be any type of service, such as:

  • Healthcare (doctor's visit, hospital stay, etc.)
  • Hospitality (hotel, restaurant, etc.)
  • Retail (store, online shopping, etc.)
  • Transportation (airline, public transit, etc.)
  • Financial services (bank, insurance, etc.)
  • Entertainment (Movie Theater, concert, etc.)
  • Others (any service you have encountered)

Decide whether you will write a letter of praise or criticism.

Praise: Focus on specific aspects of the service that exceeded your expectations and contributed to a positive experience.

Criticism: Focus on specific areas where the service fell short and negatively impacted your experience.

Provide concrete examples and details to support your assessment.

For praise: Explain what was done well, how it made you feels, and why it was exceptional.

For criticism: Explain what went wrong, how it affected you, and why it was problematic.

Avoid focusing on price or billing issues. The emphasis should be on the quality of the service itself.

Offer Suggestions for Improvement or Enhancement:

For praise letters: Offer a suggestion for an additional service enhancement or an idea to further elevate the already positive aspects you experienced.

For criticism letters: Propose constructive suggestions to address the issues you encountered and improve the service.

Explicitly reference and apply at least 2-3 of the key service quality concepts discussed in Chapter 6 of your e-book.


Use a formal letter format, including a proper salutation and closing.

Address the letter to the appropriate person or department within the service organization.

Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter.

Target 350-550 words.

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Other Subject: Decide whether you will write letter of praise or criticise
Reference No:- TGS03440325

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