
Decide whether it is going to be mandatory for all new

Choice 1:

Training Expatriates

You are going to develop the first section of a training program for the job of expatriate for your division of the corporation that you have hypothetically worked for this semester in this class. A needs analysis has 3 primary considerations:

Organizational Analysis: Focuses on the organization as the unit of analysis
Task Analysis: Focuses on determining the necessary functions of a job description or blueprint of a job
Person Analysis: Based on the specific characteristics attributable to the specific trainee

I. Organizational Analysis

You are to state your best estimate for the training program and determine the value of the position that the trainee will be trained for.

Which specific goals does the organization expect to fulfill?

Which method(s) of training will you implement? Methods include classroom training, role play, on-the-job training, coaching, and mentoring.

II. Task Analysis

Develop a job description for the expatriate. You are only responsible for selecting and describing 3 essential tasks of this job position.

What knowledge, skills, and other attributes are necessary for someone to complete the job of an expatriate in your division?

III. Person Analysis

Please submit your assignment.


Choice 2:

Suppose Joe Smith is an extremely wealthy philanthropist, and he gives your division of your corporation $10 million to be a goodwill ambassador overseas to any, many, or all of the following countries: Mexico, Sudan, Indonesia, or Uganda. You can support whatever socially responsible cause you wish, as long as you can argue to Joe that the cause supports efforts to minimize pain and suffering and that your actions take into account the ever-changing challenges confronting one or more of the listed nations. You know that Joe is extremely partial to causes involving health and/or literacy of women facing poverty in one or more of these countries. Through your research, you have discovered that Joe has supported vaccination efforts to fight and eliminate Polio.

Identify which country or countries you will select to make your proposal to the philanthropist, and provide a compelling reason for your choice(s).

Choose at least 1 philanthropic (helping people) project that your division will support, with the help of the funds that the philanthropist would be providing.

Discuss how your efforts will positively affect the relevant primary and secondary stakeholders.

Provide a subsequent argument to your CEO that these efforts will improve the triple bottom line of your corporation.

Develop a 5-question survey that you will give to current expatriates in your division to determine what should be included in the job description.

Decide whether it is going to be mandatory for all new expatriates, and explain the logic behind your decision. Will current expatriates have to take part in the training?

Please submit your assignment.

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Business Management: Decide whether it is going to be mandatory for all new
Reference No:- TGS01368423

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