Decide how many times a week you would like to achieve the

Question: For this assignment, you must complete and turn in a copy of your completed and recorded Stress Management Goal Chart. Make sure that you give yourself a week to follow the chart and record your behaviors and observations. Then, write a 1-2 page reflection paper discussing:

• Your observations about the relationship between your behaviors and attitudes and your mood/stress level.

• Your plan for continuing to practice stress management.

Remember, this assignment has two parts:

1. Your Stress Management Goal Chart

2. Your reflection paper

Stress Management Action Plan

In this course, we have covered many aspects of stress management. Now is the time to bring them together, set goals for yourself, and note changes in your ability to manage your own stress. For your last assignment, I would like you to start by reviewing the past modules and your reflections. Then, I would like you to set some goals for yourself in each major area. These are the areas I would like you to consider:

• Nutrition

• Exercise

• Sleep

• Time Management

• Increasing the Positive

• Social Interaction

• Stress Management Techniques: Cognitive, Mindfulness, or Behavioral

• Values and Spirituality

Follow this process:

1. Set a specific goal for each area. For example under nutrition, it could be to eat breakfast.

2. Decide how many times a week you would like to achieve the goal. For example, 3x/week.

3. Try to follow your goal chart for one week, recording an "X" when you have completed the activity that day.

4. Complete a mood check at the end of each day. How do you feel on a scale from 1-10?

5. Note any patterns or observations you make at the end of the week. What behaviors and attitudes seem to make a difference for you?

Use the following chart to record your goals for the week:

Stress management goal chart (attached)

Information related to above question is enclosed below:

Attachment:- StressManagementGoalChartAccessibleVersion.rar

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Dissertation: Decide how many times a week you would like to achieve the
Reference No:- TGS02700263

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