
Deceptive advertising and mere promotion


1. If the state of California and the federal government both passed laws or regulations related to the sale of video games, which would prevail and why? Discuss the relationship between the states and the federal government, and which has priority. Analyze and evaluate the various issues presented while arguing and debating the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics.

2. Should plaintiffs be able to recover from cigarette manufacturers for smoking-related illnesses? Are there variables that should affect the manufacturers' liability? What are they? What effect should the warnings on cigarette packages have on the outcome? Analyze and evaluate the various issues presented while arguing and debating the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics

3. Contract law is a very basic and important part of both our everyday life, and the operation of the business world. List and define the three basic elements that are required to form a legally binding contract.

4. Discuss the policies behind giving medical leave under the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)-what is the nation trying to accomplish, and is the FMLA written appropriately to meet those goals? Analyze and evaluate the various issues presented while arguing and debating the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics.

5. What are the merits and demerits of protecting an invention through a patent instead of a trade-secret law? Analyze and evaluate the various issues presented while arguing and debating the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics

6. Discuss the difference between deceptive advertising and mere promotion. Analyze and evaluate the various issues presented while arguing and debating the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics.

7. Compare and contrast the theories of liability for insider trading under the antifraud provisions of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Analyze and evaluate the various issues presented while arguing and debating the connections between business, law, politics, and ethics.

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Business Management: Deceptive advertising and mere promotion
Reference No:- TGS01789948

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