
Deathstroke green arrows enemy is 15m away from where green

Green Arrow shoots an arrow at a speed of 98 m/s that is charge to 5 Coulombs and has a mass of 18 grams through a potential difference towards his enemy Deathstroke. The charge arrow is shot from the origin (x= 0 m) where the potential is 0 V, and the potential difference 150 m( x= 150m) away is 150 V. Assume the potential difference increases linearly (as it does between capacitor plates):

A. What basic equation should you use to express the relationship between initial and final potential and kinetic energy?

B. What basic equation do you use to find kinetic energy?

C. What basic equation do you use to find electric potential energy?

D. Combing the information from parts a, b, and c, write the full equation you will use to find the electric potential that stops the charged arrow. You may scratch out any terms that are zero during this step if you wish.

E. What values should be used for each of your variables?

F. Now, solve to find the electric potential that stops the arrow that was fired!

G. Translate the electric potential that stops the arrow into the distance from the starting location that the charged arrow is stopped. The arrow stops___________________________ from the starting position

H. Deathstroke (Green Arrows enemy) is 15m away from where Green Arrow fired the charged arrow. Does the charged arrow hit the villain, or does the electric potential stop it in time to allow Deathsroke to escape?

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Physics: Deathstroke green arrows enemy is 15m away from where green
Reference No:- TGS01281310

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