
Death penalty for capital offences in the usa

Answer one (1) of the following with an essay:

1- The Death Penalty in the USA

Take a position on the morality of the use of the Death Penalty for capital offences in the USA. Argue for your position recognizing the serious arguments on the other side and explain why you believe your position to be more correct. In your essay clearly state what proponents of each of the ethical systems we studied (virtue ethics, teleological ethics, deontological ethics and utilitarianism) would teach about the morality of the death penalty and why they would hold their position. In light of your argument, what, if anything, should be done to change the current practice in the United States?

2- Morality at the Beginning of Human Life

The ethical questions surrounding the beginning of life are many and vexing. What are some of the moral arguments for when human life should be protected? Which argument makes the most sense to you? Why? Provide counter-arguments to the other positions. How should the law treat the question of abortion and embryonic stem cell research? Should the law recognize exceptions such as "rape, incest and the life of the mother"? Why or why not? What is the best moral solution to the question of "discarded" frozen embryos?

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Other Subject: Death penalty for capital offences in the usa
Reference No:- TGS0672311

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