Death of infants by race and the cause of death


Q: Is there a significant relationship between the death of infants by race and the cause of death?

Infant deaths and mortality rates for the top 3 leading cause of death for African Americans, 2007. (Rates per 100,000 live births) Cause of Death # African African American Non-Hispanic Non-Hispanic African American & (By rank) American Deaths Death Rate White Deaths White Death Rate Non-Hispanic Rate

(1) Low-Birthweight 1,864 297.2 1,767 76.5 3.9

(2) Congenital malformations 1,037 165.3 2,867 124.1 1.3

(3) Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) 677 107.9 1,341 58.0 1.9

(4) Maternal Complications 751 95.5 751 32.5 2.9

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Basic Statistics: Death of infants by race and the cause of death
Reference No:- TGS01916766

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