
death -it is universalit is last event in the


  1. It is universal.
  2. It is last event in the degenerative process of ageing.
  3. It involves widspread cell break down & cell death.
  4. There is no heart beat, no pulse, pupils are fixed, this is clinical death.
  5. When all the vital organs of body stop functioning, it is biological death.
  6. All the cells of body do not die at the same rate, as cilliated epithelium of respiration tract shows beating of cillia after death for long period.
  7. It is the ultimate termination of function of life.


1.       It prevents overcrowding of population.

2.       Death increases organic matter on earth.

3.       Some dead structures of plants and animals are highly useful.

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Biology: death -it is universalit is last event in the
Reference No:- TGS0173065

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