
Dealt with questions about what is real the realness of

From our readings over the past few weeks we've dealt with questions about what is "real", the "realness" of immaterial things, and the means by which one might go about proving the existence of something that is immaterial, i.e., mind vs brain. We can understand this as addressing or raising three questions: 1) What do we mean when we say that something is "real"? 2) What is it to be "real"? What makes something "real"? and 3) How do we go about showing, proving that something is "real" rather than simply stating "it's real because it's real." All of these address questions of existence. What it is. How it is what it is. And, how something's existence is demonstrated.

Your assignment is to argue that you exist as either an immaterial thing, OR a material thing, OR both, and offer supporting proof. If you choose the "both" option, you'll have to show how it is that your immateriality affects materiality, and vice versa.

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Dissertation: Dealt with questions about what is real the realness of
Reference No:- TGS02488088

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