Deals-r-us brokers p 50 of your textbook has decided to

Deals-R-Us Brokers (p. 50 of your textbook) has decided to install a new e-mail package. One vendor is offering an SMTP-based two-tier client server architecture. The second vendor is offering a Web-based e-mail architecture. Fred doesn't understand either one, so it is your job to help him make the right decision.

1.  Briefly explain to Fred, in layman's terms, the differences between the two.

2. Provide two pros for each of the two alternatives.

3. Provide two cons for each of the two alternatives.

4. Make a recommendation to Fred about which you think is better.

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Basic Computer Science: Deals-r-us brokers p 50 of your textbook has decided to
Reference No:- TGS02648533

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