
Dealing with alcohol and cigarettes problem

1. When we talk about the drug problem, what comes to your mind? Do you really think about alcohol and cigarettes? Many people are recovering from alcoholism, but are killing themselves with cigarettes.

2. What do you think about alcohol in the media (movies, billboards, cable, soaps, and magazines, Internet)? Are there underlying messages that the use of products is risk-free and alcohol is normal and essential parts of social events?

3. Typically, both adults and youth believe there is a drug treatment or remedy for every ailment. Take stock in the medicines you have.....however, if there is anything illegal, I do not want to know.

4. Do you think adults unwittingly teach youth to value drugs? What do you think about this? How could this be?

5. It appears it is easier to use a drug to cure some anxiety or problem, rather than to deal with it head on. Why don't people like to deal with their problems head on? Give a concrete or specific example which may lead one into substance abuse regarding not dealing with a problem at the outset.

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Science: Dealing with alcohol and cigarettes problem
Reference No:- TGS0526297

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