
dealers certificate referencewhen the sale of an


When the sale of an aircraft involves flight without a Certificate of Registration, The C.A.A. will permit the aircraft to fly under certain restrictions, providing the registered owner holds a Dealer's Certificate.

Aircraft Dealers Certificate - Conditions

(1) The operator of the aircraft shall be the registered owner of the aircraft, who shall be the holder of an aircraft dealer's certificate granted under this order.

(2) The aircraft shall only fly for the purpose of:

(a) testing the aircraft

(b) demonstrating the aircraft with a view to the sale of that aircraft or of
other similar aircraft

(c) proceeding to or from a place at which the aircraft is to be tested or
demonstrated as aforesaid, or overhauled, repaired or modified

(c) delivering the aircraft to a person who has agreed to buy, lease or
sell it

(d) Proceeding to or from a place for the purpose of storage

(3) Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 43 of this order the operator of the aircraft shall satisfy himself, before the aircraft takes off, that the aircraft is in every way fit for the intended flight

(4) The aircraft shall fly only within the United Kingdom


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Other Engineering: dealers certificate referencewhen the sale of an
Reference No:- TGS0159971

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