
Dd your building help define a particular style like the

Please read the desciption below before contacting me. All the information regarding the paper is below. The topic is Frank loyd Wright, Fallingwater, Bear Run,Pennsylvania,1935-6. The paper is due tomorrow (5/12/2014) at 9:20pm

1. General:

1.1. The final assignment should be six to seven pages long. The assignment is due the  Sunday after the last day of classes. You can turn it in on line, but you must make sure that I write you back to say that I received your assignment.

1.2. I expect that you use more than just on-line sources. Please include a bibliography and have at least two books (Google book search doesn't count) and an article. I can help you find the article through the library website.

1.3. Do not plagiarize. (See note below)

What should this paper include?

2. An introduction that gives a brief description of the building or city and a short history of one or two sentences, an indication of its significance, and a foreshadowing of what is to come in the paper, including a reference or note on how the building relates to the larger
themes of the class (discussed below). Length: one to three paragraphs, about a half a page to a page and a half.

3. A formal description of a building. This is just a description of how the building appears visually-it's overall shape, color, massing, texture, façade arrangement, and floor plan. In sum, what does the building look like?

4. Who paid for the building? This refers to the patron of the building. What did the patron want to get out of the construction of this building? Why did they expect to get some sort of result out of the construction of the building? Where did they get their money from in the
first place? (I understand that this information will not always be available for every student-but you should work toward, even guess at possible answers to these questions).

5. What would it be like to be inside the building? Here I would like you to take an imaginary walk through the building. What would it be like to be inside the building? What is the interior like? So here you need to make up a particular individual (the owner, a peasant, a child, and just imagine what it would be like to move through the space. Much of this is going to be conjecture. This should be at least a page.

6. Please feel free to concentrate on a particular facet or theme for a few pages. Thus, rather than giving a generalized history of the Bauhaus building, you might want to focus on the furniture in the building, how it was used as a iconic symbol of the school, or how
students felt working inside the building. Or, if you working on Frank Lloyd Wright's Falling Water, you might want to look at the structural system, why the building was located in Bear Run, or the materials used in the building.

7. Describe how your building is part of a larger building type. Remember that your building is a part of a building type-it might be a library, park, city hall, art museum, factory, or a recreation stadium. Please mention how it is like and not like other buildings of your type. About a half a page to a page. This might be related to the larger theme section below.

8. Did your building help define a particular style? (like the International Style) Did it help further or expand or break away from a particular style?

9. How your building relates to a larger theme of the class: this class tries to compare buildings on occasion that are from different and times and different cultures. Think about how your building is like and not like other buildings that also fall under this theme. What I would like to do is just have you decide on a larger theme that has been addressed in class and then compare your building/city to at least two other buildings and note how they are similar or different.

Some but not all of these themes are:

• Expressions of propaganda, power, or revolutionary ideas

• Importance use of nature, its restorative qualities, helps repair people from urban living

• Innovative use of technology/structure

• Expression of cultural or political radicalism

• A particular style or artistic decoration

• Buildings for leisure/entertainment

• Urban improvement

• Public space

• Effort to help the working class or poor

• Infrastructure

• The use or respect for nature

• Innovative methods of interiors

• Modern architecture outside of Europe and the United States

• Colonialism

• Visionary architecture

• Impact of industrialization/mass production

• Efforts to radically reinvent the city

• Rise of new building types

• Large-scale urban planning efforts

• Rise of Enlightenment thinking/scientific method

• Interest in using forms from the ancient Greeks or Romans

• Efforts at public housing

• Architecture for youth culture

• Capitalism's influence on architecture

• Counter culture

• Suburbanization

• Impact of war, military efforts

• Innovative structural methods

• Buildings types designed for leisure activities • Landscapes that are divided by status, gender, class, or power

• Patronage (one might want to consider what the patron wanted to say by funding the construction of a certain building)

• Aesthetic theory

• Critical interventions within a particular society

10. Conclusion: restatement of major themes (approx. half a page)

11. I would like to see a few images in your project, floor plans are especially welcome.

12. A note on plagiarism

• The CCA Academic Integrity Code states that the students should not plagiarize and it is a violation of the code. CCA provides this definition" "Plagiarism, or the intentional or knowing representation of words, images, concepts, or ideas of another as one's own in
any academic or studio exercise." The code goes on to state that fabrication of any information is a violation of the code, and provides this definition: "Fabrication, or the intentional and unauthorized fabrication or invention of any information or citation in any academic or studio exercise."

• Also, I will catch you if you plagiarize. I have been reading student papers for a long time and I know what plagiarism looks like, what is your writing and what is found in books or articles. As I read papers, I often Google phrases found student assignments.

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History: Dd your building help define a particular style like the
Reference No:- TGS0997008

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