
Dcribe the content from both hate sites that you view

• Go to the Southern Poverty Law Center's website to view their Hate Map. Explore the map to see the number of hate groups per state

• Conduct a web search for terms like KKK, anti-white, skinhead, anti-black, anti-Jewish, anti-Arab, anti-gay) to find hate sites. View at least TWO of the sites and read the content of each site you have selected. Make sure you are reading an actual hate group web site rather than a story about a hate group by another source (avoid sites like splc.org, adl.com, wikipedia.com, msnbc.comsince these are examples of third-party sites, not actual hate sites).


• Describe the content from both hate sites that you view. (For example, you might include answers to the following questions: What are they about according to the members? What are their beliefs? What do they do?)

• Use the web site address in your response as your citation and provide a correctly formatted reference (see APA guidelines for examples and instructions).

• Using key terms, concepts, and/or theories from the Racial and Ethnic Inequality chapter, describe what is going on in these sites.

Reference -Schaefer, R.T. (2015). Sociology: A brief introduction (11th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill. 2015. Hate Site. Retrieved on 1.15.16 from www.hatesite.org

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