
David mcclelland achievement motivation theory

Question 1:

Personal attitudes can have a key bearing on how individuals function in organisations. Attitude formation is a reflection of personality, and is the result of reaction of the individual’s personality to external events.

(a) Identify and illustrate the components of the attitude and describe the role of each element. Illustrate your answer using instances.

(b) Describe, using concrete examples, the sources of attitude formation and their affect on behaviour of individuals in workplace.

Question 2:

(a) Illustrate carefully the motivational procedure, identifying each of the elements of process.

(b) Using the process and concrete instances, describe David McClelland Achievement Motivation Theory.

Question 3:

(a) Explain in your own words what stress is.

(b) Identify and illustrate any three causes of stress. Demonstrate your answer using instances.

Question 4:

An organisational structure states how job tasks are formally grouped and coordinated.

(a) What are the key elements considered if designing an organisation’s structure?

(b) Use concrete instances to explain how each element affect employee’s behaviour and performance.

Question 5:

People join groups for different reasons.

(a) Illustrate why do people join groups?

(b) What are group roles? Discuss and describe how roles are developed and the various roles group members are called upon to play.

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Other Management: David mcclelland achievement motivation theory
Reference No:- TGS07822

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