
David hilfiker-mistakes

David Hilfiker, “Mistakes”, Online Text, On Doctoring pg 325

Answer the following questions:

1- The narrative that begins the essay is a heartrending one and provides examples of mistakes that physcians can make. Yet, critics argue that the narratives prove David Hilfiker is incompentent. What is your initial viewpoint?

2-Does the narrative (presenting his mistakes) work to create him as an authority on mistakes? or does it undermine his argument?

3-He argues that many physicians make mistakes. Does this ring true to your experience?

4- Why do doctors expect perfection? Why do patients?

5- What does he argue is the biggest problem with “hiding mistakes”? (claim)

6-Why is this a problem? (grounds)

7- What are the different types of mistakes?

8-One of the main problems he believes is the culture thriving in University hospitals. What is this culture? What repeatedly happens to give false impressions of falibility?

9-What are the three actions that a physician can take to face the guilt?

10-What are the problems with each?

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