
David and cora jessup are married and file a joint return

Use the following information to prepare 2017 Form 1040 and Schedules A and D for the Jessups.

The required forms can be obtained from the IRS website (www.irs.gov). Helpful instructions for completing the forms can also be obtained from this site.


1. David and Cora Jessup are married and file a joint return. They live at 316 First Street, Broken Arrow, OK 74011. David was born 3/14/72, and his social security number is 445-28-0411.   Cora was born 1/15/74, and her social security number is 442-38-9511. They have one son, Mark, who is was born July 25, 2003.   He lived with them all year in 2017, and his social security number is 441-02-5115. They also have a daughter who was born on March 6, 2008.   Her social security number is 441-77-4410. She also lived with them all year. Everyone in the household had minimum essential insurance coverage for the entire year.

2. David is a librarian. His W-2 shows wages of $36,000, federal withholding of $2,200, and Oklahoma withholding of $760. Cora is a teacher. Her W-2 shows wages of $45,000, federal withholding of $3,600 and Oklahoma withholding of $1,800.

3. The Jessups received $220 in interest from the TTCU Credit Union, and $500 interest from an investment in Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority bonds.

4. The Jessups received for Form 1099-B from their broker, which reported two sales of stock:

200 shares of ATL stock – Date of sale 8/12/17, Proceeds $4,000

                                      Date of purchase 2/12/17, Cost basis $1,800

400 shares of IMC stock – Date of sale 9/30/17, Proceeds $8,000

                                      Date of purchase 10/11/10, Cost basis $12,000

Both of these were covered transactions, with tax basis reported to the IRS.

5. David and Cora each contributed $2,500 to their traditional IRA accounts.

6. Cora paid $2,700 in interest on student loans.

7. The Jessups paid $2,200 in property taxes on their home. They also paid a balance due of $525 in state income taxes when they filed their Oklahoma tax return in April 2017.

8. They paid $5,250 in home mortgage interest. They also paid $300 in loan margin interest to their broker.

8. They contributed $1,800 to their church, and $800 to their alma mater, Northeastern State University.

9.   They also had the following expenses:

Cora paid $690 in dues to the OEA.

David paid $720 in dues to Professional Librarians Association.

They paid $500 to have their 2016 taxes prepared.

They paid $200 in fees to the broker who managed their account.

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Financial Management: David and cora jessup are married and file a joint return
Reference No:- TGS02822463

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