
Date query

The company wants to offer an incentive of free shipping to those customers who have not returned for two months. Create a procedure named PROMO_SHIP_SP that determines who these customers are and then updates the BB_PROMOLIST table accordingly. The procedure uses the following information: 1. Date cutoff = Any customers who have not shopped on the site since this date should be included as incentive participants. Use the basket creation date to reflect shopper activity dates. 2. Month = Three-character month (such as APR) that should be added to the promotion table to indicate which month the free shipping is available. 3. Year = Four-digit year indicating the year the promotion is effective. 4. PROMO_FLAG = 1 (representing free shipping). The BB_PROMOLIST table also has a USED column, which contains a default value of “N” and is updated to a “Y” when the shopper uses the promotion. Test the procedure with a cutoff date of 15-FEB-03. Assign the free shipping for the month of APR and the year 2003.

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Database Management System: Date query
Reference No:- TGS098617

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