
Databases are a key and important part of information system

Databases are a key and important part of information systems. If information cannot bestored in a logical and sensible way, it is very hard for users to get access to the saved information that they need. A database can store information on people, places, or things. A business's database can help them operate and reach their goals. Large businesses like corporations and tiny mom-and-pop operations can use databases to keep track of their transactions, track their inventory, manage employees, and reach an intimacy with their suppliers and customers. Adatabase management system is used to organize these databases. Good management systems analyze the stored data, and give complex information on how the businesses can develop and expand itself. An organization can ideally use this information to achieve its top performance, tell management how to make decisions, and, when necessary, help the company fulfill its reporting requirements to government departments, senior executives and management, banks, stockholders, and the rest of the general public. Presenting this so that is easily understood, I would ask the person about a favorite company they like and explain to them how a database is used in that company and how benefits them and the company. 

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Database Management System: Databases are a key and important part of information system
Reference No:- TGS098734

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