
Database management systems



A database is formed by collectively organizing data. Itcomprises of a collection of tables, queries, schemes, report views and any other objects that can be collectively organized. A database management System (DBMS) is a computer software applicati0on that connects the users to the data and other applications.In this paper, four databases namely Helix,HSQLB,MicrosoftAccess and Intersystem Cach'e are critically analyzed to show the history, timeline ,where , how and who can use them. It also includes a comparison of the four databases to clearly show their similarities and differences.

Helix is used for Apple Macintosh platform as a pioneering database management systems which were created in 1983 (Helix( Database), 2015).Helix is known to use a graphical programing language to add u to logic in its application. This allows even non-programmers to program sophisticated applications with it.Helix has never grown to anything else apart from being a niche product. Up to 2005, Helix was thirty one years in age bit still has a small dedicated following.

Odosta Corporation originally created Helix in the year 1983 on the Macintosh and released it in the following year. At this time it got a number of reviews. More features were then added to the database byOdesta and released it as double Helix. This new feature gave room for users to create custom menus and menu bars giving to stand alone applications. The run time version that came along with it allowed the user to run the double helix application without the full version installation. Since then the database has gone through a series of upgrading including Remote Helix, Helix Express and much more.

A collection is a document in any Helix project that is generated by the Helix RADE.In the system, it is represented by a ‘pseudo-desktop' which is similar to the Apple MacintoshFinder. Although a collection contains thousands of databases, Helix application only opens one at a time. Helix can be used by anyone who can do graphical coding (Helix( Database), 2015).

HSQLBD is a java written relational data management system. It supports SQL-92 AND SQL: 2008 standards on a large subject. Its database engine is fast and small and offers both in memory disk and tables which are disk based. In addition to this, it is composed of other tools such as command lines, management tools for GUI, minimal web server and demonstration examples (Toussi, 2007). It is used in both open source software and in commercial products. HSQLBD was first realized in 2001, and its last stable release was done inMay 2016.
HSQLBD allows for the read-write data storage due to its two main tables. All the changes done on data are saved as an SQL script on the default memory. The second table known as CACHED allows storage of a huge amount of data at the expense of speed of performance.
The thirdDBMS toanalyze is Microsoft Access. It combines the graphical user interphase and other software development tools with the relational Microsoft Jet Database Engine. The format of data storage is decedent on the Access Jet Database Engineer in use (Flynn, 1989). It also linksdirectly to the data stored in other databases or applications. MS Access is supported by many active components including the VBA, DAO, and active X objects.

Microsoft first released Access version 1.0 in 1992.It was then improved to increase its compatibility with other Microsoft products and released as version 1.1 in 1993.Since then a series of improvement has been done to it resulting in many native Access database format which includes 1.1, 2.0, 7.0, 97, 2000, 2002, 2007 and 2010.Ms.Access can be used by Software developers, powerusers, and data architect to develop application software (Flynn, 1989).

Intersystem Cache' Is a DBMS that was founded in 1979 with the purpose of commercializing hierarchical databases for MUMPS. In 1997 it was launched and immediately stopped developing the original Mums products. This DBMS is used in thedevelopment of software application for use in different sectors (Flynn, 1989). They may include health care management applications, government and banking and finance.
The above four databases have both pros and cons.Helix, unlike the rest, simplifies programming in that it does not involve theuse of any programming language.This provides even the unskilled users with a large monitor in tools that involve complex calculations. Helix also eliminates all syntax errors by trucking them down. This is because of its graphical-object programming nature. HSQLDB has an advantage of supporting even the non-standardfunctions including the to-chart and decode. MS Access has an advantage in that it allows development of applicationsindependent of the database.

MS Access has one disadvantage. Itsadoption of split database architecture allows the users to make adjustments to the copy of application they possess making it hard for version control management.HSQLDB CACHED table type makes athing to run slowly in a system. The speed is decedent on the gigabytes of data it stores. It is tediousto write a significant amount of code with Helix because of its graphical codes. The other three can write the codes with less time as compared to Helix.

Helix, HSQLB, MicrosoftAccess and Intersystem all have different timelines, features, usability, and technology. The user of any need to be well familiar with the database or the DBMS in use. While others as Helix can be used even with semi-skilledprogrammers, others require one to be skilled enough.


HyperSQL Database Engine (HSQLDB). SourceForge. 16 May 2016. Retrieved 16 May 2016

Flynn, L. (1989). Microsoft Applications to Share Macro Language. InfoWorld, 1.

Helix( Database). (2015). Retrieved from Wikiedia: https://en.wikipedia.org

Toussi, F. (2007, MAY 05). Running and Using HSQLDB. Retrieved from HSQLDB: WWW.https://hsqldb.org

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