
Data were collected via questionnaires from 132 lecturers

Write six recommendations based on below studies:

Write a conclusion about below studies:

1- Sharma (1997) evaluated organizational commitment and its determinants in a private sector manufacturing organization with a sample of 200 respondents from skilled workers, resulted that both situational and personal factors contribute to workers' commitment to organization. Between the two, situational factors contribute more to commitment than do person-related factors. Organizational characteristics (such as adequacy of resources) and two task characteristics such as task difficulty and task.

2- Reddy, et. al. (2000) in their study of organizational climate and dual commitment in private and public sector enterprise focused on examining the workers' dual commitment- both organizational and union commitment- in the context of organizational climate. The study was conducted in four public and four private textile organizations of Coimbatore by interviewing 200 respondents. The study revealed that organizational climate has an important role in determining organizational commitment and not union commitment.

3- Ponnu and Chuah (2010) in their study organizational commitment, organizational justice and employee turnover in Malaysia investigated the relationship among organizational justice, organizational commitment and turnover intention of Malaysian employees.

The study based on the responses of 172 employees of Malaysia and found that both procedural and distributive justice perceptions were significant contributors in explaining organizational commitment and turnover intention. Further, found significant, strong and positive relationship between organizational justice and organizational commitment. On other hand, there was a significant, strong and negative relationship between organizational justice and turnover intention.

4- In a scientific research which was conducted by Syed Azeem(2010, job satisfaction and organizational commitment among employees in Oman), with a sample of 150 employees from government sector and private sector through distributing questionnaires. It was found that the job satisfaction and age variables were the most dominant factors that affect the organizational commitment in Oman.

5- A study was conducted to determine MARA Professional Colleges lecturers' perception on organizational commitment. The study builds on social exchange theory and organizational model to identify the factors influencing the organizational commitment of these lecturers. The study analyzes whether or not there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction, job involvement, perceived organizational support and organizational commitment among lecturers in MARA Professional Colleges.

Data were collected via questionnaires from 132 lecturers of three different MARA Professional Colleges. The findings of the survey show there is a significant relationship between job satisfaction, job involvement and perceived organizational support. Job involvement contributed the most which is 28.8%, followed by perceived organizational support 23.9% and job satisfaction contributed 9.4% towards organizational commitment among MARA Professional College lectures.

The results suggest an improvement of social change by increasing job involvement, perceived organizational support and job satisfaction is an efficient way of obtaining highly committed human resource. The results of the study have valuable implications for policy makers in MARA Higher Education Division, college administrators and educators.

6- Elina Anttila (2014, components of organizational commitment under a case study consisting line managers from Finnish industrial company) aims to find factors affecting employees' organizational commitment within the case organization as well as point out some strengths and weaknesses the company has in this area. The company studied is Finnish multinational industrial company.

The sample of this qualitative study consisted of nine Finnish first level managers from different segments of this company. The data was collected using theme interviews and qualitative attitude approach. Therefore, the analysis was also conducted in two separate ways. The data from theme interviews was analyzed using thematic content analysis while the analysis of the data from qualitative attitude approach followed the principles of that method concentrating on explanations of stance taking.

As a result of this study, the factors affecting the organizational commitment in this organization can be divided into three categories. The first one consist matters directly linked to the company itself. The second category has factors linked to the work community. Finally, the third is formed by factors related to the work characteristics. Company's strengths lie in its' interesting field of business and variety opportunities it can offer for employees globally.

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Financial Management: Data were collected via questionnaires from 132 lecturers
Reference No:- TGS02854229

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