
Data transmission and encoding

This assessment item tests your ability to understand technical concepts and their relationship to the Internet. Concepts include:
Internet business communications;

- Data transmission and encoding;
- Internet technologies and applications; and
- Features of protocols.
- Capability to understand terms used
- Conduct research
- elucidate technical issues in data communications


Use diagrams where relevant to augment your answers. All answers should be fully referenced.


Question 1

Illustrate the functions and importance of all fields (such as Source Port and Destination Port) of a TCP header.

A UDP header doesn’t have series number and Acknowledgement number fields. Is it an advantage or a drawback? Elucidate your answer in detail.

In distributed data processing, elucidate two situations where vertical partitioning and horizontal partitioning are used.

Marking criteria

1. Correct and apparent description of functions and significances of all fields of a TCP header.
2. Merit and demerit of not having Sequence number and
Acknowledgement number fields in a UDP header are discussed correctly and in detail.
3. The scenarios are correctly and clearly explained showing depth of knowledge.
4. Appropriate and authentic references have been used.
5. APA reference style has been used correctly.

Question 2

Why do we need separate Transport layer (Layer 4) and Network layer (Layer 3) in OSI Model? Why could we not just have a combined layer instead?
Elucidate your answer with appropriate examples.

Name various types of unguided and guided transmission Medias. If you are linking your office computers through a local area network which transmission media would you use? Why?

In the above network which LAN topology would you employ and why?

Marking criteria

1. Clear, correct and facet description of the functions of each layer.
2. Clear, correct and facet clarification of why we need separate layers instead of a combined layer.
3. Names are complete and correct.
4. Clear, right and detail explanation the reason for using a specific transmission media is given.
5. Reason for using a specific topology is clearly and correctly given.
6. Appropriate and authentic references have been used.

Question 3
Skype is a web-based service which offers cheap and free phone calls. Explain step by step (in terms of networking technology) what really happens from the point when you initiate a call until the receiver picks up the call.

Marking criteria
1. Correct information about the networking technology used by Skype is provided.
2. Each step is outlined clearly and precisely.
3. Answer is clear and well written.
4. Appropriate and authentic references have been used.
5. APA reference style has been used correctly.

Question 4
What is multiplexing and demultiplexing? Explain.
Describe Time division, Frequency division and Wavelength division multiplexing.
What is ADSL? How does it use multiplexing?
Discuss the differences between different types of wireless telephone systems.

Marking criteria
1. Informative, correct and well written description of multiplexing and demultiplexing.
2. Informative, correct and well written description of Time division multiplexing.

3. Informative, correct and well written description of Frequency division multiplexing.
4. Informative, correct and well written description of Wavelength division multiplexing.
5. Informative, correct and well written description of ADSL and how it uses multiplexing.
 6. Clear and correct discussion on different wireless telephone systems.
7. Appropriate and authentic references have been used.

Question 5
Describe Circuit switching, Packet switching and Virtual Circuit Packet switching.
Explain their suitability for different applications such as telephone and internet.

Describe Geostationary (GEO) Satellites, Low-earth-orbiting (LEO) Satellites and
Medium-earth-orbiting (MEO) Satellites.

Marking criteria
1. Informative, correct and well written description of the Circuit switching.
2. Informative, correct and well written description of the Packet switching.
3. Informative, correct and well written description of the Virtual Circuit Packet switching.
4. Informative, correct and well written comparison of their suitability in different applications.
5. Informative, correct and well written description of the GEO satellites.
6. Informative, correct and well written description of the LEO satellites.
7. Informative, correct and well written description of the MEO satellites.
8. Description of each type of satellites applications.
9. Appropriate and authentic references have been used.

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Computer Networking: Data transmission and encoding
Reference No:- TGS01080

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