Question 1:
a) Distinguish between constructor and destructor with illustrations?
b) Describe parameterized constructors with example?
Question 2: Describe different types of access specifiers with examples.
Question 3: How to implement run time polymorphism by using virtual function?
Question 4: What do you mean by the term template? Describe about function templates and class templates with appropriate examples.
Question 5: Write about functions which have same name as that of class in C++. What is the main purpose of those functions? Describe with an example.
Question 6:
a) Define Stack and propound stack ADT.
b) Write a C++ program to build a stack with its fundamental operations.
Question 7: Define the Abstract data type for Queue. Write a C ++ program to implement Queue ADT by using arrays and Linked List.
Question 8:
a) Describe ideal hashing with an example.
b) Examine the time complexities to perform the find, insert and erase operations in a dictionary.
Question 9:
a) Write algorithms for the skip list search, insert and delete operations.
b) Describe skip list representation with example.
Question 10: What is an Error and Exception? Describe the exception handling mechanism in C++?