
Data structures cs-214 - converting an expression from

Apply the following algorithms in c++:

1- Converting an expression from infix to postfix

opstk= the empty stack;
while (not end of input) {
symb=next input character;
if (symb is an operand)
add symb to the postfix string
else {
while (!empty()&&prcd(stacktop(), symb)) {
add topsymbto the postfix string;
} /*end while*/
if (empty() II symb != ‘)')
else /* pop the open parenthesis and discard it */
topsymb= pop();
} /* end else*/
} /* end while*/
/*output any remaining operators*/
while (!empty()) {
add topsymb to the postfix string;
} /* end while*/

2- Evaluating a postfix expression

Opndstk= the empty stack;
/* scan the input string reading one element at a time into symb*/
while (not end of input) {
symb=next input character;
if (symb is an operand)
/* symb is an operator*/
value=resulr of applying symb to opnd1 and opnd2;
} /* end else*/
} /* end while*/
return (pop());

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C/C++ Programming: Data structures cs-214 - converting an expression from
Reference No:- TGS02535754

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