
Data storage and management systems

Choose either:

(i) 2 open source NoSQL data storage and management systems


(ii) 1 open source NoSQL and 1 relational management data storage system

Install and implement instances of your chosen NoSQL data storage and management systems.

Devise and implement a test strategy in order to perform a comparative analysis of the capabilities of each system in terms of 2 of the following 5 characteristics:

(i) Performance
(ii) Storage and retrieval of Structured, Semi-Structured and Unstructured Data
(iii) Scalability, Availability and Reliability
(iv) Transaction Management
(v) Security

Where applicable you should record a set of appropriate metrics and perform a quantitative analysis for comparison purposes between the two chosen systems.

Additionally, you must complete a technical report document including the following sections (max 3000 words):

(i) Introduction
(ii) Key Characteristics of Chosen Data Storage Management Systems
(iii) Database Architectures
(iv) Test Plan
(v) Evaluation and Results
(vi) Conclusion

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Other Subject: Data storage and management systems
Reference No:- TGS01426933

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