
Data standards and data security


Data Standards and Data Security

Common data formats are critical to being able to exchange data quickly and smoothly. Establishing the standards for those common formats takes a great deal of negotiation and communication. In addition, security of information is a crucial consideration, especially when it is transmitted over the Internet or is part of a large database system. Data standards can also facilitate security issues.

In preparation for this week's Discussion, review the article on cybersecurity presented in this week's Learning Resources. Consider the strategies presented for increasing Internet data security. You may also wish to conduct additional research on the Internet about data security prior to posting your response.

Response to the following.( Maximum of 2 page)

• What issues need to be considered when planning an information systems project to increase data security?
• What strategies can be used to increase data security?


• Course Text: Public Health Informatics and Information Systems by Patrick W. O'Carroll, William A.Yasnoff, M. Elizabeth Ward, Laura H. Ripp, and Ernest L. Martin (Eds.)

"Data Standards in Public Health Informatics"

This chapter provides the rationale for establishing data standards, and discusses the need for the public health industry to adopt data standards to more effectively meet the public's health needs. An interesting history of the development of data standards is presented, along with a discussion of the need for developing national data standards for public health.

• Article: Web vs. Internet. (n.d).In PC Magazine Encyclopedia. Retrieved October 1, 2013 from https://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia/term/54358/web-vs-internet

Review this brief description/definition of the difference between the Web and the Internet. Data transmitted across the Internet also must comply with data standards.

• Article: Larson, G. (2006). The magic of packets. Business & Commercial Aviation, 99(3).

This article is another succinct and easy-to-read resource that explains how packet switching occurs on the Internet and the telephone! All of this can occur because of data standards.

• Article: Berkowitz, B., & Hahn, R. (2003). Cybersecurity: Who's watching the store? Issues in Science & Technology, 19(3), 55-64.

This article examines Internet security from the perspective of the U.S. government's involvement in developing regulations to better control cybercrime. Types of threats are discussed, along with the new cybersecurity strategies the U.S. government has put in place.

Optional Reading

• Article: Minkyu, L., McGowan, J., & Recchione, M. (2007). Enabling wireless VoIP. Bell Labs Technical Journal, 11(4), 201-215.

While this is a more technical article, there is a great deal of good information about how voice-over Internet protocol (VoIP) works and the impact of packet switching in this technology. When referring to technology and computers, protocol is another name for data standards, or the rules that govern communication between computers.

Optional Activity

• Public Health Informatics Institute


Visit this Web site and explore the resources provided. Read one of the reports on how informatics is used to advance the mission of public health. Material at this Web site, while not required, may be useful enrichment for discussions and other assignments.

• Internet Security Overview


Internet Security provides a wide range of resources to give you more information on how data is protected on the Internet. Read through some of the resources to learn more about this topic.

Write format ; Intro, Body, Conclusion

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