Data-sharing capabilities


Strategic Action Plans

There are some elements missing from the action plan . If the EMR system is to be integrated with similar systems at local hospitals, and the physicians fully utilize its data-sharing capabilities, representatives from the hospitals must be drawn into this implementation process.

(Moseley III, George B. . Managing Health Care Business Strategy. Jones & Bartlett Publishers, May 2008. p. 251).

Write a three page report answering the following questions:

  • What elements (at least two) are missing from the action plan for the EMR system? Justify your choice.
  • Describe the activities that should be implemented to address the missing elements.
  • Describe where these activities would be added to the list (relative to the other activities already listed).
  • Specify exactly which people from the hospitals and practice will participate in these new activities and justify your choice.



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Business Management: Data-sharing capabilities
Reference No:- TGS01803665

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