
Data have been collected on the completeness of the


Data have been collected on the completeness of the surgical informed consent. More than 200 records have been reviewed for the presence of the following data items on the consent form:

  • Date and time the consent was completed and explained to the patient
  • Type of surgery performed
  • Risks or possible complication of surgery
  • Patient's signature, date, and time of signing
  • Physician's or surgeon's signature, date, and time of signing
  • Witness or nurse's signature, date, and time of signing

Explain/Complete the following:

1. Set up a database or spreadsheet to show how data will be collected: Show column heads and the methods for recording the presence or absence of data items on the consent form.

2. What software would you use to organize the data? Why would this be the best software for this project?

3. How would you tabulate your findings? List the descriptive statistics that would be used.

Would you use any additional software to further analyze the data?

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Prepared by a verified Expert
Business Management: Data have been collected on the completeness of the
Reference No:- TGS01463784

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