
Data collection methodology

The project is for Organizational Surveys. 5 different papers . DESIGNING AND USING ORGANIZATIONAL SURVEYS A SEVEN-STEP PROCESS

1: “Problem Definition” (min 2 pages) - In this paper, you should define a problem in your organization.  You may choose from the following areas of research.  The purpose of this paper is to gain clarity of your research problem and the significance of the research study.

a. Job Satisfaction

b. Organizational Commitment

c. Job Stress

d. Job Engagement

e. Organizational Fairness

f. Work-Life Balance

g. Job-Culture Fit

h. Organizational Communication

This paper must be written in the following format (subheadings):

a. Background of Problem

b.Problem Statement

c. Purpose Statement

d. Research Questions

e. Assumptions

f. Limitations

g. Definitions

2. a. Citation/Source in APA format (Name of Article, Author’s name)

b. Major Thesis -a summary of the article & main points

c. Utility - How useful is the article? How can you apply what you read in your own work enviroment or situation? Provide example

d.  Conclusion


In this paper, you will present the instrument (survey) you designed to collect the data for your research.  You will also discuss how you plan to administer the instrument (Survey).  All learners will be using www.surveymonkey.com to design, collect & analyze the collected data.
This paper should be written in the following format (subheadings):

a. Population Sample

b. Instrumentation (present the survey)

a. Survey questions

b. Response options

c. Data Collection procedure (how you plan to administer)

4: “Data Analysis” (min 3 pages) - In this paper, you will analyze the data collected in your survey.  Another name for this step is Data Reduction.  In other words, you will take the data you collected and “reduce” it to meaningful patterns or themes.  You will need to use Microsoft Excel for the basic Statistical (Spreadsheet) Analysis.

This paper must be written in the following format (subheadings):

a.  Data Entry (transfer raw data from survey to database)

b. Data Preparation (remove incomplete responses)

c. Statistical Analysis (see page 173 in text)

d. Response Patterns and/or Themes (see page 174 in text)

5: “Presentation of Findings” (min 5 pages) -
Here is the format for the final report (Presentation of Findings). The survey report should be written in the following format (subheadings):

I. Introduction, which will include:

a. Background of Problem

b. Problem Statement

c. Initial Research Questions

d. Assumptions

e. Limitations of this study

f. Definitions of terms

II. Literature Review  – Please, integrate what you submitted as Paper 2 in a well written summary of the literature that you reviewed.

III. Methodology

a. Population Sample

b. Procedures for survey design, data entry and data preparation.

c. You can include your actual survey instrument as an attachment at the end of the report).

IV. Presentation of Findings

a.  Participant Demographic Data (if needed)

b. Statistical Analysis

c. Discussion of Major Themes (also called major response patterns) (minimum of 2-3 pages)

V. Conclusions and Recommendations – This also includes an example, of how you INTEND or COULD use what you learned in your research study to make a difference in your organization. (minimum of 2-3 pages)

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Other Management: Data collection methodology
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