
data base softwareanother major type of

Data Base Software:

Another major type of application comes under the heading database software; which allows for the collection of, searching for and manipulation of information about unique entities. The topic (subject) might be the characteristics of competitor products, the bibliographic and abstract information relating, to relevant research publications and activities dealing with an area of R&D, etc. All topics on which files of information may be collected are susceptible to be controlled by database management software. One of the early arrivals to the PC data base management software market was a product from Ashton-Tate called d'Base. Still in , use today, d-Base also provided a fairly sophisticated third generation programming language. Everyday users can use the software in its standard form but the programming features allow more advanced users to develop customised applications that are tailored specifically to the needs of an organisation.  

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Computer Engineering: data base softwareanother major type of
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